Techniques Grouped by Attack
There are 16 Self Defense Techniques and 24 Variations for a total of 40 Self Defense Techniques and Variations from Hachikyu, Yellow Belt, to Godan, 5th Degree Black Belt, that defend against Chokes.
1. Fang of the Cobra | 2. Japanese Strangle Hold (ABCDE) | 3. Crash of the Eagle Part 1 (ABCDE) |
4. Dancer | 5. Bridge (AB) | 6. Breaking the Cross |
7. Crash of the Eagle Part 2 (ABC DEFG HI) | 8. Opening Cowl (AB) | 9. "U" Punch (AB) |
10. 2 Headed Serpent | 11. Chinese "L" Choke | 12. The Wedge (ABC) |
13. The Lion (AB) | 14. Battering Ram | 15. Crash of the Eagle Part 3 (ABC) |
16. Driving Ram |